What is the Purpose of a Landing Page?
A landing page offers a prospective customer a helpful resource, such as an ebook or webinar signup, in exchange for their basic contact information. The goal of these pages is to generate leads while you pull prospects further into the customer funnel (Hubspot).
Why Does an Effective Landing Page Matter?
Research shows that it takes a prospective customer an average of five visits to your site before they convert into paying customers. Up to 95 percent of qualified prospects on your web site are there to research and are not ready to buy.
With that being said, you want to make sure you capture visitor's contact information the first time they visit so they can become a part of your CRM.
Once they are in your database, you will be able to nurture them as they make their way through the buyer's journey. You can then start sending them promotional emails, videos, whitepapers, and other helpful information that will help them make an informed decision about your product or service.
As Sonia Simone from Copyblogger puts it, the money is in the list! In other words, email is the transactional medium where business is handled. Once you obtain your leads' email addresses, you are one step closer to building a long-term relationship with them and, thus, one step closer to converting them into paying customers.
7 Keys for Designing a Killer Landing Page that Converts
Throughout my marketing career, I have found these seven things to be essential for designing a highly successful landing page. Follow these steps, and you will start to convert your website visitors into leads in no time!
Keep it Simple - The less "clutter" you have on your landing page, the more chance you have of your prospect taking the desired action. The extra stuff, including navigation bars, visual clutter, and links to other sections, can deter your visitor from filling out your form. You want your user to be focused solely on your copy, your supportive visual, and your offer without tempting them to "wander around the room."
Focus on Only One Objective - An effective landing page only asks the visitor for one specific action. The simpler, the better. Be clear on the action you would like your user to take and drive everything on the page to that objective.
Don't Ignore Basic Aesthetics - Get rid of the bad fonts, and silly clipart. Keep it clean and simple. Use fonts, color, and visuals specifically tailored to your audience and the action they desire. Choose a single dominant photo image as your hero shot. This will enhance the experience and boost conversions.
Focus on Information Above the Fold - Research shows that 80% of visitors spend their time above the fold. Make an effort to capture your audience's attention as soon as they click in with compelling copy and visuals.
Be Consistent with Your Message - This one is a big one! Make sure your landing page's headline aligns with the copy on the ad or post your visitor clicked to get to your landing page. Match your language as precisely as possible. The closer you get to it, the better and smoother their experience will be, and they will be able to rest assured they're in the right place.
By Wary of the Amount of Information you are Requesting - The standard is to typically ask for the visitor's first name and email address. Only ask for the mimumum information that you need in order for your prospect to be able to complete the desired action. Remember, with every additional field you are asking your prospect to fill out, the more you risk your conversion rate going down.
Test, Test, Test - Every industry and audience is different. Test until you find out which headline, layout, image, video, or color converts the most visitors. Run as many A/B tests possible until you find out what works best for your specific audience.
This May go Without Saying but...
Make sure your pages load quickly. The longer your site takes to load, the higher your bounce rate and the lower your conversions.
Aim for a 3 second or less page load. Do this by eliminating unnecessary graphics. If they are essential, optimize them to reduce file size and decrease the load time.
A slow website limits your business. Check your site speed here.
The next time you sit down to design a landing page, keep these things in mind, and you will be converting leads left and right in no time!